Sunday, September 9, 2012

Create a Banner of Your Website or Blog for Free !!

This post is very nice and useful for blogger as well as for the person who has a website. This post will guide you to create a banner ad for your site. The steps are very simple and easy. Just follow the instructions below. 
  1. First go to this My Banner Maker 
  2. Now you'll see different types of banner size. 
  3. Choose a size that is suitable for you. I prefer prefer Full Banner (468x 60). 
  4. The next is Background. You can choose the color or upload your own image. 
  5. Now move to the Text. Enter your site's name and choose the font and size. 
  6. Then choose Border and Effect. Don't choose anything that looks odd. 
  7. Next is Save. Here you can enter your site's URL and choose what type of banner you need actually. 
  8. Now hit on Save The Banner button and choose Continue on Free. 
  9. Here you'll find a code. Copy and paste the code where you wanna place your banner. 
If everything is OK then your banner will look like image above this post. 

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Add Print as PDF Button in Your Blog!

Save as PDF Button

Sometimes your blog or website reader may wanna save the post as PDF. Or they may want to print it. And there are many free tools to add Save as PDF button. But the problem is that, most of the free tools doesn't allow you to remove the background images of your site. I mean this is not print friendly. As a result whole web page is saved. And this is very irritating. 

Today I'm sharing a code that is free from this problem. It allows you to save only the text with related image. Let's try this- 
  1. Sign in into your blog. Then go to design.
  2. From the left panel, hit on the Layout button.
  3. Now click on Add a Gadget.
  4. Choose HTML/ JavaScript.
  5. Now copy and paste the following code into the Content Box.
  6. Save the gadget and view your blog to see the change! 
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">document.doAT = function(cl){var myclass = new RegExp("hentry");var myTitleContainer = new RegExp("post-title");var myPostContent = new RegExp("post-footer");var elem = this.getElementsByTagName("div");for (var i = 0; i < elem.length; i++){var classes = elem[i].className;if (myclass.test(classes)){var container = elem[i];for (var b = 0; b < container.childNodes.length; b++){var item = container.childNodes[b].className;if (myTitleContainer.test(item)){var link = container.childNodes[b].getElementsByTagName("a");if (typeof(link[0]) != "undefined"){var url = link[0].href;var index_page = true;}else{var url = document.url;var index_page = false;}if (typeof(url) == "undefined"|| url == "undefined" ){url = window.location.href;var index_page = false;}}if (myPostContent.test(item)){var footer = container.childNodes[b];}}var n = document.createElement("div");if (index_page == true) {var at = '<a href=' + url + '?pfstyle=wp' + ' style="float:right; margin-right: 1em; color:#6D9F00; text-decoration:none;" class="printfriendly" title="Printer Friendly and PDF"><img style="border:none;" src="" alt="Print Friendly and PDF"/></a>';}else {var at = '<a href="" style="float:right; margin-right: 1em; color:#6D9F00; text-decoration:none;" class="printfriendly" onclick="window.print(); return false;" title="Printer Friendly and PDF"><img style="border:none;" src="" alt="Print Friendly and PDF"/></a>';}n.innerHTML = at;var origFooter = footer.innerHTML;footer.innerHTML = n.innerHTML + origFooter; = "hidden";}}return true;};document.doAT("hentry");</script>

If you wanna place the button at the left side then replace the red colored words as- float:left. And if you are expert in coding like html, CSS, then you can easily place this code anywhere you want. 

Code for other Websites Other than Blogger: 
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><a href="" style=" color:#6D9F00; text-decoration:none;" class="printfriendly" onclick="window.print(); return false;" title="Printer Friendly and PDF"><img style="border:none;" src="" alt="Print Friendly and PDF"/></a>

Print Friendly and PDF

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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Add Facebook Like & Send Button After Each Post Title!

Earlier I showed How to Add a Pop Out Facebook Like Box in Side Bar. And in this post I'm gonna show how to add the Facebook like and send button after each post title. All you've to do is just add a small code in your blog template. 

If you do this, it will be easier to share your blog post with your friends. And you can also post it in your wall without visiting your page! And it will also allow you to share posts by email IDs of your friends. So you shouldn't miss this trick. 
  1. Sign in into your blogger account. 
  2. Then go to Design > Template > Edit Html. (Backup your template if you're new user)
  3. Check the box Expand Widget Template. 
  4. Press Ctrl+F and search for <data:post.body/>
  5. Now copy and paste the following code before  <data:post.body/> 
  6. Now save your template and see the result! 
<div id="fb-root"></div><script src=""></script><fb:like href="" send="true" layout="button_count" width="500" show_faces="false" font=""></fb:like>
NB: This code may be worked for any other websites other than blogger. Just copy and paste the code in the perfect place. 

You can customize this code too- 
  1. If you place this code after <data:post.body/>  this tag then the like and send button will be displayed after the blog post rather than the title. 
  2. Look at the the width="500". You can change the size too. You can use 450 or 550 instead of 500. 

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

How to Undo or Cancel a Sent Mail in Gmail?

Today I'm gonna share a terrific trick of Gmail. Well this is very useful too. Sometimes you may be composing a message in Gmail and you can do any of the following mistakes: 
  • You may send incomplete message. 
  • You may type wrong address.
  • You may hit the send button by mistake! 
And any of the above mistakes may cause you to face serious situation if you're betrayed by luck! 

Gmail users can easily get rid of this problem. Because there is a way to cancel your sent mail. But you've to enable this system manually. Google labs offer you to undo your sent or sending mail within 30 seconds after hitting the send button. Let's enable this setting. 

First, sign in into your Gmail account. Now look at the top right corner of the window. There is a Settings button with a down arrow. Click on it and hit on Settings option. 

Here you'll see few tabs. Choose the Labs Tab from here. Then scroll down and find out the Undo Send button. There are two options. Enable and Disable. The default setting is Disable. You've to choose the Enable option. And hit on the Save button from below. 

Now whenever you send any mail to a person you'll see this message- 

Now you can cancel the sent mail by hitting the Undo button. 

NB: To gain access to the Google Labs you must open your Gmail in Standard View. If you're using Basic HTML view then it looks like below image. You can choose Standard View from here. 

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