Friday, June 7, 2013

HTML Tutorial 4: Tags Without Ends

HTML Tags with no ending tags

After a long break I am gonna write another tutorial on HTML. This will be the number 4 tutorial of HTML. Today I would like to share some tags which don't have any endings! I mean you can just start these tags but they have no corresponding end tags. 

You might be interested to read the previously published HTML tutorial. These are as below: 

Now I can proceed to the Tutorial 4: HTML Tags with No Ends. Have a look at the image below. 

HTML Tags with no corresponding end tags

The above image doesn't include all the tags that have no ends. See the complete list below: 

  • <area> 
  • <base> 
  • <basefont>
  • <br> 
  • <col> 
  • <frame> 
  • <hr> 
  • <img> 
  • <input> 
  • <isindex> 
  • <link> 
  • <meta> 
  • <param>  

These tags have no corresponding ends. You just need to start them. 

For example: The <br> tag is used to create a line break. I mean it is used to create a new line. And when you create another line break the first one automatically ends. So it is needless to put an end tag to the <br> tag. That's why HTML standard excludes the corresponding end of the <br> tag. 

The same thing happened to the other tags mentioned in the list above. Another example could be the <img> tag. It is used to link to the image. Is it necessary to end an image with the help of an ending tag? Not at all. That's why the image tag is also don't have any ending tag. 

* XHTML always requires end tags. (Quite disappointing!) 

The <p> Tag: 

What about the <p> tag? By this time you all know about this tag. It is used to create a paragraph. And it has a corresponding end tag too. You can also guess - </p>. But many HTML authors even don't know this exists! 

However if you avoid the ending tag, I mean the </p> tag, your browser will never complain. The document will work quite fine. It is somewhat like the <br> tag. But the <br> tag has no end by rules. 

You can consider the rule as Omitting Tags. Yes, there are some tags in HTML which have end tags but you can avoid them. 

Hope you enjoy today's tutorial. Because this is an interesting feature of HTML in that sense that some tags have no ends. Some end tags you can omit as you wish. Stay in touch to get more . . . 

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