Monday, June 17, 2013

The Story Behind Marks PC Solution

The History of Marks PC Solution

Dear visitors! In this post you're not getting any tips! Today I would like to tell you the little story behind the establishment of Marks PC SolutionThough this is not a tips, but you must read and take some lessons from this post. Read it properly with patience.


I got admitted at Dhaka City College to study BBA in year of 2008. In that time I didn't familiar with the use of internet. But I was very interested about Computer since 2005. I used to discuss computer related issues with my classmates. One of them was Adnan Shameem. He had a nice forum named Amarnotes (Lost due to the error in server). He often told me to visit his site. But I didn't have net connection. And even I didn't have a personal computer!

One day I went to a Cybercafe with Adnan. He helped me to open an email account: I could never imagine one day this email might be associated with hundreds of online accounts.

When I was at the second semester, I informed my parents- Computer is essential to complete the assignments. Just after a few days, I got a new PC costing $ 500. After getting the PC, my skills were improving at an amazing speed!  (Now I’m passing a hard time with that PC. Either it needs to be repaired or changed! J

And at the beginning of the 3rdsemester, my course teacher (Ms. Sayeda Ferdous Lusanta), Principles of Marketing, declared that- Everyone must have net connection to complete my assignments. What a declaration! And I got a chance to demand a net connection in the parliament.

Within a week, I got a net connection. It was Citycell Zoom. Later I upgraded this to Zoom Ultra. Now this connection should also be upgraded. And no other suitable substitutes are available in my area.

After getting the net connection, I was busy to learn necessary online applications. I leaned many things about internet and computer using the net. I discovered many tips and shared these with others.

Here I’d like to thank Adnan again. He told me- Open a blog and share these tips. But initially I was not interested. I thought- is it necessary at all?

Beginning of the Blog:

Then after a few days I opened a blog in bloggerI named my site as Marks PC Solution. The URL is- munnamark.blogspot.comThat's the starting. 

After that I also opened an account in WordPress by the same name- Marks PC Solution and URL is munnamark.wordpress.comBut I didn't continue that site as premium membership is required to edit the template manually. But you can still access my WordPress site.

Marks PC Solution was created in 2009. Only 9 posts were written in Bengali. In that time I was not so interested to keep it active. And I didn't even visit this site in the next year I mean in 2010. I almost forget that I've a site on blogger!

Development of the Site:

At the end of 2011, I had an offer. It was a free course on Online Earning. It was a 2-day training conducted by BIDD (Bangladesh Institute of Design & Development). The training venue was also very attractive- Prime Minister’s office of Bangladesh!

In my class there were more than 50 students. But it was decided that only one student is allowed to go for the training. When our BBA coordinator declared this in our class I wasn’t there.  Because it was off-time and I was busy at our computer lab.

I was famous in my class for computer troubleshooting. I used to help people in computer and internet related issues. But as I was introvert in nature (don’t think I’m extrovert now! J) not all of them were familiar with me. And what about girls? Most of them even didn't know what my name is! And some of them couldn't even recognize me! Well I enjoyed this at that time. J

Okay back to the track. When I was busy at computer lab, a girl of my class (her name is Jemmy) saw me there. She asked me- You Munna? (I really surprised at her question! I thought she knows my name! Because we’re at the 6th semester of BBA Program! Only then I was quite sure many of the girls of my class don’t know my name! J

I didn't let her understand that I’m surprised. I just answered YEAH. Then she told- Every one of the class is looking for you. Then I showed my exclamation- WHY? She said- a training will be arranged for some students of our college. You should go to the class to know the details. Emrul knows better.

Then I left the lab and went to the class. Emrul helped me a lot. He told me that- Only one student of this class is allowed to go for the training. And we think- Only you are the right person. He also took permission from others. He asked- does anyone have an objection? Thanks to almighty Allah! There was no objection. Everyone agreed. I am grateful to my classmates. They left their chance for me. I was selected from Section: D. And it’s my pleasure that Adnan was selected from Section: C. His friend Mahin left the chance for him. Otherwise Adnan might face little competition to be selected.

I had know idea about topics will be covered in that training. All I knew about it- It’s an online earning course. Maybe they will train us about how to learn online.

Finally, it was a nice morning of winter. I left my home at 6.45 am. And arrived at Vasani Novo Theater at 7.40 am. There were our teachers and other students. Our teacher Md. Shamsul Arefin enlisted my name in the attendance sheet. Almost all students were present by 8.00 am. There were more than 100 persons including teachers and students. We started walking to the PM Office. But I was worried because Adnan wasn't present there! And carrying bags and mobile phones were forbidden for the students. While running by the side of a newly constructed road we noticed a serious motorbike accident! Maybe the biker was taken to the hospital but spot dead. Such a bad scene at the beginning of the day!

We reached the PM office gate and waited there for more than 40 minutes. By this time Adnan arrived there! Everyone was waiting to enter the main building. After completing some formalities the officials provided us the visitor cards. Without this card no one is allowed enter the PM office.

We walked a long driveway. Maybe it took 3 minutes to pass. Then we reached at the gate of the main building. We crossed the security door. Then we were taken to the Karabi Hall. In that time the Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina, was out of country. Thanks to the prime minister to arrange such a training facility for us! We spent 8 hours per day. We were entertained by sufficient foods, snacks and drinks. I really missed that environment after the training! L Such a chance to enter the PM office may not come in my life again. J

Here is the detail of the Training:

  • Course Name: Online Earning Course 
  • Course Duration: 2 Days
  •  Total Time: 16 Hours (8 Hours per day)
  • Date: December 09 to 10, 2011. (Friday & Saturday)
  •  Time: 10 am to 6 pm
  • Organization: Bangladesh Institute of Design & Development (BIDD)   
  • Topics: Working in oDesk, Microworkers, Microturks, Freelancing, Blogging, SEO, Google AdSense, Opening Accounts in PayPal, Payza (Former Alert pay) etc.  

After the training of BIDD, I decided to develop my site. I tried to earn money through blogging with the help of Google AdSense. I translated previously published Bengali posts into English. Because AdSense doesn’t support Bengali blogs usually.

I also got AdSnese in my site. Several times Google rejected my application. But finally I got it with more than 50,000 page views and 90 posts. Unfortunately my AdSense account was disabled due to invalid clicks by someone. But later I got it again. Everything was fine. But this time Google banned me without proper reason. In fact, Google’s policy is very hard for Bangladeshis. AdSense is too strict for us.

I really disappointed when my AdSense account gets disabled. But I never stopped writing. I also submitted my blog to those illegal sites that offer free pageviews. But later I understood those views are machine generated. So I stopped submitted my blog to those sites. These sites are very harmful for your blog. If Google found your site in those illegal sites, you might be banned or ignored in Google Search Result!

I also submitted this blog into social sharing sites and online directories. Definitely these are valid ways to increase traffics. And I used to comment and post on popular forums, blogs and other sites. I’ve got lots of visitors from those sites.

I used to request my friends, classmates and acquaintances to visit my site. Most of them found my site useful. Some of them were not interested. But as I told them again and again they felt bore. Here I can name some of them – Polash, Sabbir, Adnan.  And I am sorry to them. How many times a person can tolerate? I knew that even some of them were angry with me due to my request to visit the site. But I didn't care! I continued to make them bore! J

I not only requested them visit my site, but also told them to share my site on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus. And with this, giving like, tweet and +1 were mandatory. They were also kidding me and saying- I’m crazy. And really I am!     

I knew these will never increase my visitors. Because I had only few classmates who are regular with me at chat. They can visit my site only 10 to 20 times a day. Then I decided I will never make them bore. Because this is not effective at all. Who needs my contents will automatically visit my site. I don’t need to tell them. And people are not only busy with blogging like me. They have other works too.

Now my policy is just- writing better. In each new post, I try to develop my style. I always try to write good and unique contents. I don’t submit my blog to the sites which offers page views and social sharing. This is really a bad idea. Most importantly these are not original. And I don’t like fake pride.  

Current Scenario:

Now I’m quite happy with the performance of Marks PC Solution. More than a thousand new visitors, 2 thousand unique visitors and 4 thousand page views per day. Marks PC Solution has more than 80000 page views in the last 30 days!

But this is not enough. I would like to take it to a higher position. Still this site has no page rank. But most of my visitors come from Google! And it has a good position in Google search results. Don’t know why page rank is 0 for Marks PC.

In Alexa, the position of Marks PC Solution is excellent. My Alexa traffic rank is less than 1,70,000. Sometimes it goes under 1,40,000.

I've already published 248 posts. This post will be the 249th. Generating idea is the most difficult task for me. Sometimes I search other blogs and forums to get ideas. And sometimes I try to find what creates problem for bloggers and PC users. Then I try to solve those problems in my posts.

I also try to collect ideas from my visitors. Sometimes they share their views. But those are not enough to generate ideas. In that time I get disappointed. Because the main feature of a blog is new contents. Still I can say Marks PC Solution is active and uniqueAt the beginning I had a tendency to copy the posts. But immediately I give up such a bad idea. Because if you wanna be a successful blogger, you've to be creative. But if you copy the posts of others, creativity will die before the birth!

Now I have to handle lots of comments from visitors. I have to reply to those comments and feedbacks. Visitors are all I have. Whether I get AdSense back or not, I will continue to write. I feel happy when someone gets benefited from my site. It brings mental peace. Happiness can’t be bought by Google AdSense Dollars! J

So that’s the end of the story of Marks PC Solution. I tried to keep this short but it takes more than 2000 words. Sorry to write such a huge post. None of my posts are so large. Thanks for your patience.  

Stay with Marks PC Solution to get more interesting IT topics!

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