Friday, June 28, 2013

Windows 8.1 Preview is Ready to Download !!

Windows 8.1 Preview is Ready to Download!

Windows 8 Developer Preview was released at the end of 2011. Couple of months later, Microsoft released the Consumer Preview version of Windows 8. Couple of weeks ago, another trial version was released- Release Preview. And we got the final version of Windows 8 just few months ago. Windows 8 has brought a revolutionary change for the users. It includes many exclusive features which were not available earlier! 

Microsoft expected that Windows 8 will be able to attract the existing as well as new customers. But even with so many exceptional features, Windows 8 was not so popular in the market. Many new users of Windows 8 was puzzled while using it. New Start Screen, disappearance of Computer icon from the desktop, absence of .Net Framework 3.5 were some of the prime reasons behind this failure. Still Microsoft is trying to make the new Windows popular. And Windows 8.1 is a part of such initiative! 

I'm using Windows 8 since 2011, just after the release of Developer Preview version. And I've used all versions of Windows 8 so far including Consumer Preview, Release Preview and definitely the final version too. Now waiting for the preview version of Windows 8.1. Hopefully I'm getting this within a short time. But I can't wait to write something on Windows 8.1! :) 

After the releasing the final version of Windows 8, some were talking about Windows 9. Some told the next version will be Windows Blue. But when Windows 8 failed to capture the market, Microsoft started thinking about how to make it popular. Because in 2006, they experienced a major problem with Windows Vista. That was the worst OS ever released by Microsoft. Definitely Windows 8 is much better than 7 or XP. But as the users have failed to cope up with the new OS, it has been a serious issue to think about. 

Windows 8.1 Store with New Features!

Windows 8.1 Preview

A free update to Windows 8 is coming at the end of this year called Windows 8.1. And before making it available for the users, Windows 8.1 Preview has been released including new apps and services! 

No special requirement is necessary for the preview version. If your PC is capable of running Windows 7 or 8, the 8.1 will also run. 

Remember, Some tablets and PC with newer 32-bit atom processor may not support Windows 8.1 Preview! View Details . . . 

What's New?

Microsoft haven't mentioned anything directly about what's new in the new release. But they released a product guide for the users- Windows 8.1 Preview Product Guide

Internet Explorer 11 is available in the Preview Version! 

Who should Try the Windows 8.1 Preview? 

Preview is available for everyone. But as this is simply a trial version, there might be some difficulties of using it. So before trying it, make sure you: 

  • Like to work with new software
  • Enjoy experimenting new technology
  • Feel comfortable to troubleshoot your PC
  • Don't mind to update your system as well as apps frequently
  • Can back up your system or restore your previous OS in case of any mishap
  • Are ready to face difficulties like me! :) 

Installation Procedures

There are two ways to install Windows 8.1 Preview:

Product/ Serial Key

Product Key is not necessary if you upgrade your current Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 Preview. But if you install a fresh copy of Windows 8.1 through ISO file, then you may need to use the following product key: 


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